coal based dri

PDF World Direct Reduction Statistics

PDF World Direct Reduction Statistics

In the last six years, worldwide DRI output has grown by almost 55 Mt, or approximately 75%, driven by a 136% increase in DRI production in India (mainly coalbased DRI), a doubling of natural gasbased DRI production in , and new natural gasbased plants in Algeria, Egypt, USA, and Russia.

Impact of Hydrogen DRI on EAF Steelmaking Midrex Technologies, Inc.

Impact of Hydrogen DRI on EAF Steelmaking Midrex Technologies, Inc.

Scrapbased EAF operations present the most CO 2 friendly route (Figure 3) even when including electricity contributions (assuming 65 kg CO 2 /Te DRI and about a 15% scrap charge in the BOF). However, the beneficial continuous recycling in the EAF will render prime scrap sources fewandfarbetween long term (Figure 4), necessitating greater use of Ore Based Metallics (OBMs DRI/HBI and Pig ...

Directreduced iron becomes steel decarbonization winner

Directreduced iron becomes steel decarbonization winner

Hydrogenbased DRI was produced at a commercial scale in Trinidad and Tobago using a fluidized bed reactor process as long ago as the early 2000s. Now the process needs to be finetuned and accompanied by a truly fossilfree energy source.

A Case Study on Accretion Formation in Rotary Kiln of DRI Process

A Case Study on Accretion Formation in Rotary Kiln of DRI Process

In coalbased DRI plants rotary kiln is used for the reduction of iron ore. Accretion rings formations inside the kiln adversely affect the performance of plant in terms of low production and inferior quality, which frequently lead to shut down. About 70% of the coalbased DRI rotatory kiln shut down is due to the accretion formation [ 1 ].

PDF Decarbonization challenge for steel McKinsey Company

PDF Decarbonization challenge for steel McKinsey Company

produce steel from iron ore and need coal as a reductant, EAF producers use steel scrap or direct reduced iron (DRI) as their main raw material. As the predominant production method in Europe is the conventional, coaldependent BF/BOF process, the need to assess alternative ... hydrogenbased DRI supply to be able to fulfill current customer ...



From 2016, worldwide DRI output has grown by almost Mt, or nearly 64%, primarily driven by the increase in coalbased DRI in India, new gasbased plants in , and rampup of new gasbased capacity in Algeria, Egypt, USA, and Russia. The reduced effects of the global COVID19 pandemic, an % jump in coalbased production in India,

PDF Fact sheet Hydrogen (H2)based ironmaking

PDF Fact sheet Hydrogen (H2)based ironmaking

What is hydrogenbased reduction? Direct reduction of iron is the chemical removal (reduction) of oxygen from iron ore in its solid form. The iron used in the steelmaking process is currently chemically reduced from iron ore through the use of fossil resources natural gas or coal. This process is known as Direct Reduced Ironmaking (DRI).

Exploring selected pathways to low and zero CO ScienceDirect

Exploring selected pathways to low and zero CO ScienceDirect

The above parameters for new steelmaking technologies—scrapbased EAFs, coalbased DRI with and without CCUS, gasbased DRI with and without CCUS, hydrogenbased DRI, and oxygenrich smelting reduction with and without CCUS—were obtained from recent studies and communication with Chinese experts (Battle et al., 2014; IEA, 2020a; IRENA ...

PDF Case Study on Accretion Formation in Rotary Kiln of DRI Process

PDF Case Study on Accretion Formation in Rotary Kiln of DRI Process

In coalbased DRI plants rotary kiln is used for the reduction of iron ore. Accretion rings formations inside the kiln adversely affect the performance of plant in terms of low production and inferior quality, which frequently lead to shut down. About 70% of the coalbased DRI rotatory kiln shut down is due to the accretion formation [1]. Lit

Coal based Direct Reduction Rotary Kiln Process IspatGuru

Coal based Direct Reduction Rotary Kiln Process IspatGuru

Coal based DRI plants are flexible with respect to plant location since noncoking coal is widely distributed in large deposits and is easy to transport. Most plants employ reduction process which is carried out in rotary kilns. These plants use wide variety of raw materials and noncoking coal.

(PDF) Surface Coal Gasification: Prospects Towards Clean Energy ...

(PDF) Surface Coal Gasification: Prospects Towards Clean Energy ...

Another case study of a CGP based DRI plant in Angul of Odisha, India which is the first CGP based DRI plant in India with a maximum steel producing annual capacity of about using syngas ...

Green steelmaking will need technology and mining advances

Green steelmaking will need technology and mining advances

To avoid locking in further coalbased steelmaking capacity for decades, some technology switching to DRIelectric arc furnace (EAF) processes will be required before then. Potential new DRgrade iron ore capacity by 2030 ranges from 40 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to an optimistic high of 100Mtpa. Unless technology innovations allow use of ...

(PDF) i) Direct Reduced Iron: Production ResearchGate

(PDF) i) Direct Reduced Iron: Production ResearchGate

Based on the types of reductant used, DR processes can be broadly classified into two groups: (1) coalbased DR process and (2) gasbased DR process. Details of DR processes, reoxidation,...

Comparative life cycle assessment of natural gas and coalbased ...

Comparative life cycle assessment of natural gas and coalbased ...

Comparative LCA of coal kiln, coal gasifier and NG reformer based DRI processes. • GHG intensity (tCO 2 e/tDRI): rotary kiln ; coal gasifier ; NG reformer • For the base cases, NGbased DRI has ∼3341% lower GHG footprint than coalbased DRI. Abstract

A review of ironmaking by direct reduction processes: Quality ...

A review of ironmaking by direct reduction processes: Quality ...

Direct reduction processes ScienceDirect Available online at Procedia Manufacturing 35 (2019) 242â€"245 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Peerreview under responsibility of the organizing committee of SMPM 2019. / / © 2019 The Authors.

Coal Gasification based Production of Direct Reduced Iron

Coal Gasification based Production of Direct Reduced Iron

DRI is produced predominantly by gas based processes around the world in vertical shaft furnaces utilizing natural gas. DRI is also used in some countries by rotary kiln process or by rotary hearth process with the use of thermal coal.

PDF Direct Reduced Iron Industry in India — Problems and Prospects CORE

PDF Direct Reduced Iron Industry in India — Problems and Prospects CORE

Direct Reduced Iron Industry in India — Problems and Prospects Ramachandra Rao Consultant (Mineral Processing, Iron Steel Technology and Engineering) Abstract India is the largest producer of Direct Reduced Iron in the world with annual capacity of nearly 10 Mt comprising coal and gas based DRI plants. India has the largest coal based DRI

PDF Dri Update

PDF Dri Update

Thereafter, other coal based DRI plants like PI Tata I Steel, Bihar Sponge Iron Ltd, Odisha Sponge iron Ltd etc were set up. Major growth in coal based sector from 200304 to 200809. In early 90's three gas based DRI plants were set up in the west coast due to the availability of natural gas at that time.

PDF Background Note on Assumptions to Arrive at Probable INDC Values ... GoI

PDF Background Note on Assumptions to Arrive at Probable INDC Values ... GoI

Going by the energy efficiency and GHG emission, gas based DRIEAF route is considered the best with minimum energy consumption and GH emission, while the coal based DRIEAF/IF route is considered most energy intensive with highest GHG emission. However, production of gas based DRI has been diminishing over the years for

PDF Dri Update

PDF Dri Update

Increase use of gases in coal based route DRI production There is a need to substitute part of coal by bio gas/ syn gas/ natural gas/green hydrogen in the existing coal based DRI route to save about 40 MTPA installed capacity which has been set up with huge investment, provide large number of direct and indirect employment and plays very

Iron ore quality a potential headwind to green steelmaking IEEFA

Iron ore quality a potential headwind to green steelmaking IEEFA

To avoid locking in further coalbased steelmaking capacity for decades, some technology switching to DRIelectric arc furnace (EAF) processes will be required before 2030 to achieve net zero by 2050. Agora Industry has already tracked 59Mt of new DRI capacity announcements since 2019, requiring about 80Mtpa of iron ore if all proceed.

DirectReduced Iron an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

DirectReduced Iron an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Product Characteristics DRI can be produced in powder, pellet, lump, or briquette form. The powder, pellets, and lumps retain the shape of the iron oxide material fed into the DR process. The removal of oxygen leaves voids, giving the DRI a spongy appearance when viewed through a microscope.

Direct reduction of iron route in India | TERI

Direct reduction of iron route in India | TERI

TERI proposes to undertake the following activities in collaboration with SIMA (Sponge Iron Manufacturers Association ) in the coalbased DRI production process: Detailed mapping of DRI production units and shortlisting 23 prominent coalbased DRI manufacturing clusters representing domestic production ranges, existing and proposed capacity, operating practices etc. Explore possibilities ...

ResearchGate | Find and share research

ResearchGate | Find and share research

ResearchGate | Find and share research

India's iron and steel industry capable of emitting less and producing ...

India's iron and steel industry capable of emitting less and producing ...

For instance, energy efficiency of rotary kilns in coalbased DRI units is hardly 3755% due to nonutilization of waste heat, therefore waste heat recovery systems should be made mandatory for coalbased DRI units. Similarly, induction furnaces in India should be restricted to prevent excess of poor quality steel or at the very least be ...

Direct Reduced Iron: Most Efficient Technologies for Greenhouse ...

Direct Reduced Iron: Most Efficient Technologies for Greenhouse ...

DRI processes can reduce CO 2 emissions by using natural gas instead of coal due to the replacement of carbon reductant by hydrogen from the methane. Many complementary gasification processes have been developed in order to synthesize the reducing atmospheres.

Process Description and flow diagram of Coal Based DRI Plant

Process Description and flow diagram of Coal Based DRI Plant

Coal plays a dual role in the Kiln. Part of coal is used as fuel to supply the desired heat so as to take the raw materials to the desired temp. But main role of coal is to supply carbon in the reduction process. Dolomite is used as sulphur scavenger which finally comes out with the char. Char contains ash of coal and other impurities of iron ore.

Davy DRC: Coalbased direct reduction in China

Davy DRC: Coalbased direct reduction in China

The broad interest shown by the steel industry in coalbased direct reduction is a result of: (1) the need for a scrap supplement, (a) due to the steadily increasing electric arc furnace capacity in the USA, direct reduced iron (DRI) is required as a substitute in times of scrap shortages, and (b) due to the decreasing quantities of quality ...

Direct Reduced Iron and its Production Processes IspatGuru

Direct Reduced Iron and its Production Processes IspatGuru

Major DRI production processes are either natural gas based or coal based. Feed material for the DR process is either sized iron ore of size ranging from 10 mm to 30 mm or iron ore pellets of size ranging from 8 mm to 20 mm produced in an iron ore pellet plant.

Lowcarbon production of iron and steel: Technology options, economic ...

Lowcarbon production of iron and steel: Technology options, economic ...

DRI: This iron production process directly reduces iron ore in solidstate with the reaction temperature below the melting point of iron. Reducing gases are produced from natural gas (gasbased DRI) or coal (coalbased DRI) called syngas, a mixture of H 2 and CO. Although DRI production is more energy efficient than pig iron production from BF ...

Lowcarbon production of iron and steel: Technology ... ScienceDirect

Lowcarbon production of iron and steel: Technology ... ScienceDirect

It is widely understood that manmade climate change is chiefly caused by greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), and that the consequences of global warming will be profound, widespread, and destructive. 1 Nonetheless, global emissions have risen more or less continuously for the past 25 years and have increased each of the...